A young woman summons a demon to help find a dead celebrity crush only to learn that things in Hell are a lot hotter than she ever imagined.
Jules Tolliver has a completely sensible reaction to the death of her favorite movie star: she summons a demon named Ash to accompany her on an epic road trip through the afterlife to save him. But when the dynamic duo takes a hard left into Purgatory, they encounter the cheeky Fates along with a nasty horde of demons and monsters dead set on derailing their mission.
And then, of course, Ash is kidnapped because, Purgatory.
One backroom deal later, and Jules kidnaps a beautiful girl as payback for freeing Ash—which is awkward because Jules comes to the unexpected realization that she likes girls, and not just in a friendly way. Complications ensue when Faith, the beautiful girl, is left behind and our reunited dynamic duo continues their quest to rescue the dead celebrity crush and return him to the mortal plane.
But things don't always go as planned in Purgatory, especially when The Fates spring an unholy mission on you when you least expect it. And as Jules stands face-to-face at the convergence of morality, theology, and fan culture, the only question left for her to answer is whether or not she can find her Faith in the beautiful girl in the rearview mirror.